Saturday, June 12, 2010

The invention of inventors

Chlorophyll Paint, invented by Vennesya Huang

With their fresh perspectives and busy minds, kids can be really creative inventors. The USPTO is working with the Ad Council (children of the Reagan era will recall their memorable egg-themed PSAs) and the Inventor's Hall of Fame to give them a space to exercise their innovation.

InventNow is a kid-oriented website with information and activities for the budding inventor. This site is a lot of fun -- learn about patents, play games, and check out other kids inventions in the gallery. Best of all, inventors who submit their designs to the site receive a printable "InventNow Patent."

The gallery is loaded with great inventions, but I think my favorite is Vennesya Huang's Chlorophyll Paint, which converts CO2 into oxygen, thus improving the air quality of any room painted with the stuff. Brilliant!

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