Sunday, April 20, 2008

We're Official

The Patent and Trademark Center blog has officially moved from pilot to production. What's the difference, you ask? The past month has been about developing the blog, deciding what sort of content we want to put out, and tightening nuts and bolts before we put a link to the blog on the official San Francisco Public Library website. You could say I've been sort of inventing this blog, and though I didn't really keep an inventor's notebook, the archives on the side (under the Meebo chat box) may be worth looking through. I've also used tags for each post so that you can just look at posts with, say, the patents tag if that's what you're interested in.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to encourage people to use this blog as a forum. I am a blogger, yes, but I'm also a librarian, so I jump at the opportunity to interact with people and help find information. Post a comment, send me a message via Meebo, or email me using the address in the "about me" section. I'm here to help!

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